Crystal Oracle Reading


We all have a rich landscape in our HeartSpace which we can tap into at any time. By exploring, honoring and tending to this lush landscape, we can live a life that is aligned with our unique frequency. I empower clients to reacquaint themselves with their exquisite HeartSpace.

Crystals, minerals and stones are gifts from Mother Earth which each emit their own beautiful frequency and can help us re-tune our own energetic field. My one-hour Crystal Connection Sessions are intuitive readings where I guide you toward the crystals, minerals and stones that can be of the highest good for you at this moment in your life. I also provide tips on programming, charging and cleansing your crystals as well as how to use them in any space or on your body to their fullest potential.

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The experience

✨A guided meditation

✨A crystal oracle card reading

✨Coaching on which crystals will best serve you at this time

✨Guidance on how to use and care for your crystals

✨Personalized, intuitively curated, luxe crystal kits for purchase

After booking you will receive a brief questionnaire and scheduling options.