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Hi, I’m Rachel Grace.

I have always been drawn to the elements of nature. As a child, I would collect beach glass, feathers, driftwood, shells and beach rocks and marvel at their beauty, their frequency, their magic. Later in life, this bloomed into a love of crystals. I love how they each have their own unique frequency and can retune our energetic field. Along my journey of becoming a Certified Vinyasa Yoga Teacher and a Reiki Master, I discovered my gift for not only tuning into frequency of my own chakras but also that of others. In recent years, I’ve discovered a deep connection to Oracle Cards and found that I could tap into collective wisdom and communicate with spirit guides. As someone who has always wanted to help others on their quest for spiritual healing, I felt called to create HeartSpace Wellness: A place where individuals can reacquaint themselves with the rich inner landscape of their uniquely exquisite HeartSpace through crystals, divine messaging and energetic healing.

My Approach

I believe you are the expert of you. As spiritual beings having a human experience, we so often lose touch with ourselves along the way. Our frequency shifts, our dreams get muddied. The answers lie within your HeartSpace. You and I will rediscover those answers together.

Why Crystals?

Crystals each emit a unique frequency. Mindfully placing them in our home, our office, or on our bodies can help re-tune our own frequencies when they become riddled with static.

Why this approach

This approach is for those wanting a more personalized experience than buying crystals from a storefront. Think of me as your crystal matchmaker. We will call in your unique crystal allies.