
Crystal Oracle Readings

We all have a rich landscape in our HeartSpace which we can tap into at any time. By exploring, honoring and tending to this lush landscape, we can live a life that is aligned with our unique frequency. I empower clients to reacquaint themselves with their exquisite HeartSpace.

Crystals, minerals and stones are gifts from Mother Earth which each emit their own beautiful frequency and can help us re-tune our own energetic field. My one-hour Crystal Oracle Readings are intuitive readings where I guide you toward the crystals, minerals and stones that can be of the highest good for you at this moment in your life. I also provide tips on programming, charging and cleansing your crystals as well as how to use them in any space or on your body to their fullest potential.

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Crystals on mirror

Vibrational Attunement

This holistic approach combines the practice of chakra balancing with the healing touch of reiki, creating a safe space for energetic healing and transformation. Each session is tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that blocked or stagnant energy is gently released, allowing for a free flow of energy throughout your chakras.

During a session, you will be guided into a state of deep relaxation. The session will begin with a brief consultation to understand your intentions and any specific areas of concern. Then we will move into a guided meditation with light breath-work to clear the mind and and release anything you may be holding on to. As you lie comfortably, I will use a combination of reiki hand positions and chakra-focused techniques to harmonize your energy centers.

You may experience a range of sensations, from warmth and tingling to a profound sense of peace and clarity. The gentle vibrations help to dissolve emotional and energetic blockages, promoting healing on multiple levels. Many clients report feeling lighter, more centered, and rejuvenated after a session.

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Curated Crystal Collections

Many people want to incorporate the power of crystals into their lives but find it overwhelming to know ones to purchase. I offer curated collections based on the energy you are trying to cultivate. You will get personalized videos of crystals, with messages from me about the properties and why they may be a good match from you. You can buy the crystals that speak to you most from me directly. This eliminates the stress of going to a store. You can watch my videos and listen to my messages at your own convenience. Contact me for more info.

Crystal ball


“My Crystal Connection Session with Rachel Grace was so heartwarming, validating and informative. She began the session with light breath work and a heart-opening meditation, creating a sacred container for our gathering. Rachel Grace pulled cards from a crystal deck and the energies of the crystals on the cards she pulled were exactly what I was wanting to call in! It was very validating and confirming of what I needed. She also guided me toward other crystal types and colors to bring into my home and workspace as well as how to care for them. I left the session feeling so much more excited about crystals and motivated to work with them more.”

Stephanie - Los Angeles, CA

“My Session with Rachel Grace was so validating. She took the time to share three crystal oracle cards with me that deeply resonated with where I’m at right now. Each description felt like it was speaking directly to me! She showed me the crystals and described their attribues, making it so easy to feel like I could make an informed decision about which to purchase. I even got extra validation from my reiki practitioner a week later that the crystal Rachel Grace had picked was the right one for my energy. WOW!!!”

Meaghan - Charlotte, NC